LPAW 2023
The Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023 was held at the Vila Galé hotel in Lagos
in the Algarve region, south of Portugal, from March 6-10, 2023.
The Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop (LPAW) series is one of the leading workshops in the field of plasma-based acceleration and radiation generation. It started in the 1990s, with the first edition held in Kardamili, Greece.
In 2007, the workshop was held in Portugal at the Terceira Island in Azores, and we are happy to have hosted another successful edition in Portugal.
The latest editions were held in Split, Croatia (2019) ; Jeju, Korea (2017) ; Guadeloupe, French Caribbean (2015) ; Goa, India (2013) ; and Wuzhen, China (2011) . Typically a bi-annual conference, the 2021 edition was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2023 edition marked its return, after four years, to cover exciting advancements, novel ideas, and prospects to discuss. As is traditional in the LPAW series, the focus was in a friendly and relaxed environment with plenty of time for discussions.
The following scientific topics will be the main focus of the conference:
- WG 1: Plasma-based lepton acceleration (experiments, simulations, theory, diagnostics, ...).
WG co-leaders: Yang Wan and Thales Silva. - WG 2: Plasma-based ion acceleration (experiments, simulations, theory, diagnostics, ...).
WG co-leaders: Ulrich Schramm and Igor Andriyash. - WG 3: Secondary radiation generation and applications (experiments, simulations, theory, diagnostics, ...).
WG co-leaders: Amina Hussein and Miguel Pardal.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at lpaw23@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
John Dawson Thesis Prize
Sponsored by Amplitude
, three John Dawson thesis prizes were awarded at LPAW 2023; one for thesis that finised between of 2019-2020 and two for 2021-2022. For more information, check here
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Honored speaker: Chan Joshi, UCLA, USA
Aarón Alejo Alonso, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Elisabetta Boella, Lancaster University, UK
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France
Andreas Döpp, LMU Munich, Germany
Nicholas Dover, Imperial College, UK
Jérôme Faure, LOA, France
Ke Feng, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China
Massimo Ferrario, INFN, Italy
Alessandro Flacco, LOA, France
Stefan Karsch, LMU Munich, Germany
Hyung Taek Kim, GIST, Korea
Francesco Massimo, CEA, France
Bo Miao, University of Maryland, USA
Patric Muggli, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany
Mamiko Nishiuchi QST, Japan
Miguel Pardal IST, Portugal
Kristjan Põder DESY, Germany
Dillon Ramsey, University of Rochester, USA
Matthew Streeter, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Yang Wan, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Karl Zeil, HZDR, Germany
Rafal Zgadzaj, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Important dates
- Abstract submission opens: November 18, 2022
- Registration opens: November 22, 2022
- Abstract submission closes: January 13, 2023
- John Dawson thesis prize application deadline: January 15, 2023
- Online registration closes: January 27, 2023
- Conference: March 6-10, 2023
International Advisory Committee
Felicie Albert, Bob Bingham, Edda Gschwendtner, Chan Joshi, Tom Katsouleas, Karl Krushelnick, Victor Malka, Alexander Pukhov, Luis Silva.
Program Committee
Ralph Assmann, Marco Borghesi, Brigitte Cros, Mike Downer, Eric Esarey, Massimo Ferrario, Maite Flores, Ricardo Fonseca, Dustin Froula, Leonida Gizzi, Dan Gordon, Chang Hee Nam, Manuel Hegelich, Bernhard Hidding, Mark Hogan, Simon Hooker, Tomonao Hosokai, Amina Hussein, Dino Jaroszynski, Stefan Karsch, Ravi Kumar, Wei Lu, Mattias Marklund, Paul McKenna, Howard Milchberg, Warren Mori, Patric Muggli, Zulfikar Najmudin, Peter Norreys, Jens Osterhoff, Charlotte Palmer, Ulrich Schramm, Luca Serafini, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Hyyong Suk, Cedric Thaury, Don Umstadter, Jorge Vieira, Louise Willingale, Chaojie Zhang.
Local Organizing Committee
Ricardo Fonseca (Co-Chair), Jorge Vieira (Co-Chair), Thales Silva (Scientific Secretary), Rafael Almeida, Óscar Amaro, Chiara Badiali, Bernardo Malaca, Bertrand Martinez, Mariana Moreira, Miguel Pardal, Pablo San Miguel Claveria, Camilla Willim, Ana Matias, Cláudia Romão.